Next Steps


Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Savior. This is the single most important decision you can make in your life. It will bring you joy and peace that surpasses all understanding as well as eternal life with our Heavenly Father. There is no greater love than God's love for us, and accepting Jesus Christ as our Savior is our way of accepting this gift from Him. If you have not accepted Jesus Christ into your heart.

  • Click the video and watch more about Salvation and why you need to make this important decision today.

  • If you would like to be saved today, fill out the form below.

  • Amazing! This is one of the best decisions you can ever make. What happens next- Finding a church home! We would love to have you here. Join here

  • Getting saved is just the beginning, not it’s time to grow and impact other and bring in new believers.

    Grow in Discipleship

You’re saved, now what?

  • If you would like to be saved today, fill out the form below.

  • Amazing! This is one of the best decisions you can ever make. What happens next- Finding a church home! We would love to have you here. Join here

  • Getting saved is just the beginning, not it’s time to grow and impact other and bring in new believers.

    Grow in Discipleship

What's Your Next Step?